Do These Things Before Selling Your House In Kansas City

Selling a house in Kansas City is widely recognized as a monumental undertaking for many homeowners. Yet, prior to initiating the marketing process and inviting prospective buyers, our team at Mastiff Home Buyers has gathered valuable insights over time. We strongly advise undertaking these essential steps before putting your house on the market in Kansas City . By doing so, you can significantly enhance your prospects of achieving a swift sale at a favorable price.

These are the things that we have learned over the years here at Mastiff Home Buyers , to do these things before selling your house in Kansas City . They will help increase your chances of selling your house faster and for a better price.

Sell Your Kansas City House Faster By Doing These FIRST

Selling Your Kansas City House? Read this post to help you sell it faster today!

De-Clutter and Take Down Some Of Your Family Memorabilia

Take the time to put away all family photos and anything personal that you really don’t need to live in the home. Depersonalizing will help potential buyers see themselves living in the home. You are not marketing your family or your children’s art work, so let the buyers see a blank canvas. It is also smart to remove any interior decorating that might dictate your personal style. If you prefer to stage some areas, it is best to call in a professional because what is impressive to you, may be distasteful to a buyer. For example, not everyone in Kansas City loves the Chiefs, so it might be a good idea to remove all your Chiefs gear from the basement family room.

Price Your House Right

While it can be very easy to decide on what price you want based on how much profit you would like to make or based on how much you need to move into a new home, you must consider the industry standards when determining its actual market value.  What you want for your house and what someone in the current market will pay for it may be two different things.

Most people (about 90%) are going to shop online on websites like Zillow, first whether they are using a real estate agent or not. These online tools have filters so that buyers can look for exactly what they want from a price perspective, as well as other things. This means that if your price is too high or too low, you may price out buyers looking within a specific price range.

Make the Property More Enticing

With sites like Zillow and, buyers can see your house within hours or even minutes of you listing it. It can attract attention right away and first impressions matter. Use the sites to track the views and if you’re not getting the attention you want for your house, consider what things you can do to make your house look better to potential buyers.

Things like… 

  • Do the small things in your yard… ideally you can ensure the shrubs and the yard are neatly done and trimmed. You can even go extra mile and you replace the existing flowers with new and fresh ones.
  • Do repairs or repaint your house if it’s looking battered and bruised. It’s is more important than you may think.
  • If you have great furniture… think about including some of the furniture in the sale if the buyer wants it.

The thing about most “retail” buyers out there is the majority of them have a hard time looking past the ugly parts of a house. Yes, they can repaint it after they buy… or they can re-do the yard, but a first impression is a lasting impression. Some buyers won’t get past that initial ugly visual and a majority of buyers don’t want to make improvements or repairs after they move in.

Have an Inspection Carried Out

To avoid being surprised with some property problems that must be sorted before the deal is closed, make sure you have an inspection done and the key reports prepared well in advance that is long before the buyers start to show up. Ensure every single issue is dealt with. The best part, the more your house is problem free, the more it is going to sell within the shortest time possible.

If you need a referral to a great local Kansas City Home Inspection Service, shoot us an email or give us a call at (816) 750-5325 and we’d be happy to give you some names of reputable inspectors who can help you out.

Provide Proper Sellers Disclosures

When it comes to selling a property, providing a seller’s disclosure to potential buyers is a crucial step in ensuring transparency and building trust. If you’re selling without a real estate agent, there are still effective ways to create and share this important document. Start by compiling all relevant information about your property, including any known defects, repairs, or renovations. You can then create a comprehensive disclosure document using online templates or disclosure forms specific to your jurisdiction. To share it with potential buyers, consider including the disclosure as an attachment in online listings, emailing it directly to interested parties, or providing printed copies during property showings.

Alternatively, if you have a real estate agent representing you, they can guide you through the process of creating a professional and accurate seller’s disclosure. They will likely have access to standardized disclosure forms and can assist in gathering the necessary information. Your agent can then include the disclosure as part of the marketing materials for your property, ensuring that it reaches all potential buyers. They may also facilitate the distribution of the disclosure during open houses or private showings, addressing any questions or concerns that buyers may have.

Regardless of whether you’re selling with or without a real estate agent, providing a thorough and transparent seller’s disclosure is an essential step in promoting a successful and ethical transaction.

It is also a great idea to gather up past service requests and receipts for any improvements that you have made, so that the new buyer has all of this information at their fingertip for future maintenance. Although, this step is often ignored, it is surprisingly important. Sure every new buyer will want to hire their own maintenance companies, but knowing who normally does the maintenance and after how long, when were the important systems like the HVAC last maintained, etc. are some of things that the buyer will want to see.

Selling A House In The Local Kansas City Real Estate Market Doesn’t Have To Be A Challenge

If you’re having a hard time selling your house as quickly as you want and have not made improvements or depersonalized, now is the time to make your house more attractive to potential buyers. We buy houses in any condition, so if making your house marketable sounds like a big inconvenience that you would rather avoid, connect with us and let’s work out a deal.

We buy local houses.  We can pay cash for your house, pay you a fair price we both agree on, and get you out of your current house in less than 30 days rather than having to wait months and months to sell your house the traditional way.

Get A Cash Offer On Your House – Submit Your Info Here >>

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